Employment Opportunities

Below we list any job openings if available. We are happy to receive your resume for people that might have an interest in work in the future. Sometimes we have temporary seasonal openings available during our busy periods, which are usually spring break and summertime. We can keep your information on hand so if a position does open up, we have your file as someone to contact. However, we do encourage people to check this web page and our Facebook page for future positions. We do like to encourage college students to apply as well.

1. Kennel Assistant – Part Time 20 – 35 hours per week
(No Openings at this time)

2. Kennel Technician / Coordinator 30 – 40 hours (FT)
(No Opening at this time)

3. Kennel Assistant – Permanent Part Time 25-30 hours per week
(No Opening at this time)

4. Kennel Assistant Seasonal Part Time 15-30 hours per week (Summer Help or Seasonal Part Time)
(Apply through Indeed link below)

Seasonal or Summer Work is usually during spring break, summer months, and holidays. It is great for college students home on break that still want to work a little.

You will be contact via phone or email to provide you with a digital employee questionnaire for further review.
• Send Resume through Indeed
• List Dates you are available to start and ending date.
• Express why you are interested and why you would be a good fit for this position.

Click here for Details and to Apply – Kennel Assistant Summer or Permanent PT Position

5. Kennel Assistant Weekends Only Part Time 15-20 hours per week.
(Apply through Indeed link below)

Job Type: Entry Level – Weekend Part Time Position 15 – 20 hrs. per week for weekends. You will have to work on some Saturdays and Sundays including some holiday weekends, this is not negotiable. We are open from 7AM to 6PM, 7 days a week. Your day shift could vary from a full shift (7am – 6pm with lunch break), half shift (7-1 or 1-6). We need someone with flexibility in their schedule to vary between the different shifts. Must have reliable transportation. Could be possible to work other hours through the week if desired. You will have the option to have some weekends off. This can be discussed further during the interview process. Hours can increase during busy periods like summer or to cover other shifts when other employees are out if you have availability. If you cannot work most Saturdays and Sundays or some holiday weekends please do not apply, no exceptions.

Click here for Details and to Apply – Kennel Assistant Weekend Part Time Position


This is an opportunity to expose yourself to a small business environment while having the chance to learn about animal care and behavior. This might help influence your career or educational path for your future. This can be a positive way to contribute to the community by helping families with their pets, learning more about dogs and the impact on dogs in our community and being a responsible pet owner.

We do welcome volunteers to assist in playtime activities with our boarding and daycare dogs, so they go home happy and tired. We always need assistants in cleaning activities to ensure our dogs are in a safe and healthy environment during their stay with us. Some light office work such as filing can always help us stay on top of our record keeping.

Interested in Volunteering please Email Kim@companionk09.com:

Volunteers Apply by emailing a Resume to Kim@companionk9.com
• List Volunteer on Subject line.
• Express why you are interested and why you would be a good fit for this position.